Products meeting the search criteria
San-shikaku-hachigane - three-square-parts hachigane
Don't you see? A real sword will kill you.
Revenge Ninja hood - vintage movie mask
The ninja empire is evil! I have to reform the ninja empire!
Waraji - japanese traveler jute sandals
I expected a quiet journey, with no need to draw the blade in this cane.
Hachigane - steel samurai headband
Traditional way of a forehead protection made of stainless steel
Movie ninja gauntlets
I may not be a great ninja; I may not be one with the universe; but I will say this: no one messes with my brother.
Black hachigane - armored headband with covering
Go to the north. The decisive battle will be fought there.
Hitai-ate - polished forehead protector
As a samurai, I must strengthen my character; as a human being I must perfect my spirit
Hitai-ate - forehead protector from the Edo epoch
Honour may not win power, but it wins respect. And respect earns power.
Traditional tekko gauntlets
You go from one journey to another living dangerously in the gleam of an unsheathed sword.
Iga-mono mask
.. and thus no one will ever know his true identity... He was born in darkness and he will die in darkness...
Sode zukin - japanese wimple, "sleeve hood"
If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.
Sohei-zukin - battle monk hood
Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.